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The following Friday afternoon saw Fiona on my doorstep, smiling sweetly as she asked whether I would mind looking after the girls for her this night. Obviously, she was going to a person and a party she actually desired to fuck was going to be there.

I let her do almost all the talking while my mind went through a few of the important things I may do to one, or both, of her beautiful young children that night. As she was leaving she included a final, tantalising piece of information, “Oh, nearly forgot. Kate asked whether she could sleepover in Kirstie’s room tonight and if it’s all right with you I’ll call her mum and let her know.”

” Of course,” came my reply, “Two, 3 … what’s the difference.” Wanting her a terrific night and closing my front door behind her I couldn’t assist however to believe that there truly was a Santa Claus and tonight was Christmas. Delight!

I decided to get some things together that may prove helpful. ; a Polaroid camera, gag, blindfold, a soft whip, a roll of nylon rope, a dildo, lube, some Vodka and simply in case … half a package of Rohypinols that were sitting in my medicine cabinet.

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I got here next door at around 6.30 pm. Fiona had simply gotten out of the shower and the girls remained in their rooms doing research. Fiona informed me to go make myself comfy, assist myself to food if hungry and watch whatever I like on T.V., and then excused herself so she might continue to get ready.

Fiona was in her space, so I opened the door to see pretty young Kate standing there. I greeted Kate with a smile and uplifting “Hello.”.

” Hi” she replied then asked if Kirstie was in her room.

” Sure is,” I responded to and saw her walked down the hall to Kirstie’s room.

Fiona emerged from her room all dressed up and looking all set to leave. Kirstie and Kate can remain up as late as they like, offered they’re well acted for you.

Little did she know that a difficult time is what I desired!

See ya,” she said as she left through the front door. “Hi Mr Cruz,” she said with a smile as she sat down in a leather reclining chair.

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” Hi there Sweetheart,” I reacted. Kirstie and Kate emerged some 45mins later.

” Hi Mr Cruz, how are you?” stated Kirstie.

” Excellent, and you?” I reacted.

” Fine thanks,” she replied.

Kirstie and Kate then threw some cushions on the floor in front of the T.V. and stuck themselves down in front of the sofa I was pushing. Kirstie was still in her school uniform, the brief hemline giving me a view of her blue panties. I chose it would be best to wait on Vanessa to crash out prior to I attempted anything, but it was still early, so I dissolved half a Rowie in a cup of warm milk and gave it to the youngest lady. Some twenty minutes later I examined toward Vanessa and saw her having a hard time to keep her eyes open. “You look actually tired Vanessa, possibly you must go to bed.” She nodded in agreement and wanted us “Goodnight” as she trundled off to her space.

It was now 10:30 pm and we ‘d viewed the video we rented and there was nothing but shit on T.V. “I want we ‘d grabbed another video,” said Kate.

” Darren (Kate’s older sibling) has some great videos,” said Kirstie with a saucy search her face. Kate started to blush and grinned embarrassingly.

” What’s he got?” I asked.

<iframe width=”100%” height=”315″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Neither girl addressed, however just took a look at one another and begun laughing.

” Well … are you going to inform me or not?” I asked again.

In between laughs, Kirstie managed to state, “Darren’s got a collection of pornography videos.”.

” Oh really? I hope neither of you two have actually watched any. It’s against the law and I’m sure your Mother would not authorize,” I stated.

” No, however we’ve simply looked at the covers,” Kate responded. Kirstie then mentioned how much she would like to see one simply to see what all the fuss had to do with as Kate nodded in agreement. Little did they realise that I currently understood they ‘d watched a minimum of some, courtesy of young Kirstie’s journal.

” I don’t believe so. Your mum would kill me if she understood I ‘d permitted you to enjoy something like that at your age,” I said.

To which Kirstie coyly responded, “We will not tell if you do not!”.

As if pondering their demand I gradually answered, “Ahhh, I do not think so.”.

” Please, please, please!!” both women asked in unison.

” Nope,” I replied.

” How about if we toss a coin to decide. If we win we’ll enjoy the videos and if you win we play cards or scrabble or something,” used Kirstie.

” Pleeeease can we?” chimed in Kate.

I took a look at them quietly for a moment pretending to consider their deal, lastly saying, “Well, it’s against my much better judgment, but okay”.

Throwing the coin into the air I asked, “Heads or tails?”.

” Tails!” both addressed.

I captured the coin and covering it over with my hand, looked a look. It was headed. “Tails it is,” I lied.

” YEAH!!” squealed the two women. Kate then notified us no one was home at her location right now so it would be easy to grab some and after that come back here to enjoy them. Kate lived on the same street as us about ten homes down, so off we went.

I waited outside while the women went within to choose some videos. When they emerged Kate was carrying her schoolbag that I presume she was utilizing to carry the videos. As they approached me I took a look at them stating, “Now, you both promise that this will be our little secret. Your parents would crucify me if they ever learnt.” To which they replied, “We guarantee!”.

Once back at Fiona’s I looked in the bag to see what they ‘d picked. Titles that captured my eye included ‘NASTY ANAL SLUTS Vol.4’, ‘ROCCO’S SUPERSTARS OF PORN’, ‘SODOMANIA 13’ and ‘JUVENILE DELINQUENT’. The last one pointed out had a cover portraying a lady in school uniform, gagged and bound to a chair with her tits hanging out of her gown.

I recognized this to be the one Kirstie had mentioned in among her journal entries, the one that made them both so wet!

” Alright, choose one girl.”.

Kirstie got one titled ‘GANGBANG BITCHES No. 11’ and commended me. As I looked over the cover I stated, “I don’t learn about this girls.”.

” Come on. You assured we might if we won the coin toss,” whined Kate.

” Yeah!” insisted Kirstie “You guaranteed!”.

Time to see just how nasty these young girls were, I thought to myself. “Alright, we’ll watch it on one condition.”.

” Cool! What condition?” Kirstie asked.

” I want both of you to reveal yourselves and offer me a look at your tits.”.

The women looked at each other for a little while, then looked at me and said excitedly, “O.K!”.

Kirstie then added, “We can see the whole video with our tits out if you like.”.

” Sounds like a plan to me,” I stated grinning.

” Now start playing the video and we’ll take our tops off so you can have a good take a look at our tits,” stated Kirstie.

Kate pulled her tight crop top over her head and unclipped her bra letting it fall to the floor exposing her pert young breasts, then said, “Is that okay Mr Cruz?”.

” A lot much better than OKAY!” came my reply.

” My turn now,” said Kirstie enthusiastically, then she began to slowly unbutton her school dress starting with the leading button. When all the buttons above her waist were unfastened, she reached behind her back to unclip her bra pulling it out through a sleeve.

The only thing between those tits and me was a light cotton gown that simply covered each of her huge lobes. “Is that enough, or would you like me to keep going?” teased Kirstie.

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